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Showing posts from April, 2009

Crazy and exciting times!

I just found out about this craft show a couple days ago and was excited to find out there was still space available. So now I'm crazy making word art and more in my "free time". I'm looking forward to sharing my creations, meeting other local etsy artists, and sharing space with fellow etsy newbies, Donavan and Lacey . Exciting and crazy times!!! Wish me luck getting everything done between work and being a mom & wife. =)

HOPE is on its way!

HOPE , originally uploaded by byjen . Earlier this week, I mailed this special piece to my first Word Art winner, Hadass . She chose the word Hope which is such a great word. I can't believe I hadn't thought of it before. Hadass lives in Jerusalem, so HOPE has a long and exciting journey ahead of it. It's fun to see the places my art is going. My husband says I can now make the claim that my art is collected world wide =) And don't forget Mother's Day is just around the corner on May 10th (it's crazy how fast the year is going). Come visit my etsy shop and enjoy free shipping (a $5 savings)!

Have I mentioned lately....

I love being creative! It's been overwhelming at times the number of thoughts and ideas swirling around in my head. And just when I think I have a handle on them, I find more ideas, resources and opportunities (all mainly due to the expansiveness of the internet). It's just amazing. My creative mind just can't slow down. But in all honesty, I'm loving it. As corny as it sounds, I feel most alive when I'm doing anything creative. I love going to craft stores, looking at crafting books, reading creative blogs, making gifts and creations for people, etc.. For so long now I've been waiting for the time to be just right to start a crafty business, but I finally realized that its never going to be the "perfect time" (just like deciding to have kids). So even though my head is spinning, I'm really enjoying the journey right now =)

The Word Art Giveaway Winner!!

The winner of By Jen's Word Art Giveaway is Hadass Almogy ! Congratulations !!!! And thanks so much to all that participated. I'm so grateful for every one's support and encouraging words. It's been really great. Thank you!!! I'm sure this is only the beginning of fun By Jen Giveaways!! Keep checking!!!