Today was one my first mornings of "freedom" since both my daughters are now in school and it's one of my days off. I can't tell you how excited and anxious I was to have time to get things done without carting a little one around with me. But it was almost too much pressure. I wanted to get so much done that I felt frantic. I felt a bit like our dog Sprinkles racing around the house in excitement with too much energy to contain.
I'll admitt, I almost feel the same way as I return to my blog. I have so much I want to share, so much I want to write. In fact, I feel overwhelmed and unsure where to begin. I know the beginning is often a very good place to start, but the beginning is not so easy to pinpoint in life. And life is what I'm looking to share here. I hope to share stories about my life and lessons I'm learning, art and projects that inspire me, adventures I take with and without my family, and my running and weight loss journey.
I may not know exactly where to begin writing, but I do know that I am ready to start. I can't let the overwhelm or uncertainty stop me from doing something, no matter how small. Too often in the past, I'd over-analyze and over-plan so much that I wouldn't get anything done. And as much as I like to analyze, organize, and plan, I've finally recognized that its often a stall tactic for me.
So here I am, without a plan, ready to share this amazing adventure called life. I'm extra excited to share my running adventures, along with a few Pinterest-inspired detours durning the upcoming holidays. I especially hope to explore the part of my running journey that led me to train for a marathon this December, because there are still moments when I almost don't believe it myself.