image from Tiffany Han I've been a little off lately. Nothing really major, just little things. Recovering from my ankle injury and getting back on track with my marathon training (Only 39 days from now! Yikes!). Running behind on numerous things like Halloween decorations, birthday planning, and blog writing, etc.. Falling victim to a seemingly insatiable sweet tooth (emotional eating at it's finest). I've been feeling a bit out of sorts. And then yesterday, I happened upon a blog post by my friend/life coach, Tiffany. She shared a list of 13 things she'd like to accomplish before 2013. With so much starting to swirl around in my head, making a list was just what I needed. So I made a list: Keep running 1. Continue my marathon training. I have one more half marathon this Sunday . I also plan on doing strength training at least twice/week (whether its at the gym or at home--no excuses) until the big day. 2. Run my first marathon on December 2nd ( CIM )! C...